Calgary Lawn Bowling Club

 Bowls RoarFest Youth Open

July 26 – 28, 2024 

Bowls RoarFest Youth Open Starts In








Interested to receive the latest updates about RoarFest?  Want to express your interest to play in this event?  Please send us an email requesting to be added to our lists.   Please include your name, club you play at, and age category (14-17, 18-21, or 22-25).  Your information will not be made public.

Bowls Alberta Head Coaches and the Calgary Lawn Bowling Club are preparing to welcome youth and young adults ages 14-25 for an inaugural and unique three-day, prized filled, youth competition!

RoarFest was created with input from youth players and coaches across Canada to ensure the event provides intense competition, player development, and great camaraderie! 

Registration fees will be $50 per player and all fees will go back as prize money along with donated and sponsorship funds. We have two sponsors so far and are working on more…help out if you can!

Register as a pairs team, or individually; regardless of gender, or provincial home; by age category; and into either a “Development” or “Competition” (High Performance) category.  “Development” may have played at a Bowls Canada Youth Championship, but never won a medal.  All players are guaranteed 11 games in total!  The number of registered teams and players will determine the formats of the games.  

Singles Four games per player (two 7 end sets with 1.5 hour limit) PLUS one playoff game on the final day. 

Pairs  Four games (10 ends, three bowls, with 1.5 hour limit) PLUS two playoff games per team on the final day. 

Please send along all recommendations, questions, and interest to participate via the RoarFest email We’ll post updates on this website and request expressions of interest and eventually open a link for registrations. Please help spread the word and help make this a great youth centered exciting event! 

Together we’ll continue to grow our sport and celebrate champions!

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