The New Normal 

In light of the evolving landscape of safety and well-being, it’s imperative to recognize that Safe Sport has emerged as the prevailing standard. Practices once deemed acceptable may now require reassessment. As members of the Calgary Lawn Bowling community, we embrace core values that align with this ethos:

Inclusivity: We believe in providing a sport that welcomes everyone, irrespective of age, demographics, or ability. Inclusion is at the heart of what we do, ensuring that all individuals have the opportunity to enjoy and participate in lawn bowling.

Responsibility: We are committed to delivering our programs with integrity, fairness, and transparency. Respecting the rights and dignity of all participants is paramount in fostering a safe and supportive environment for everyone involved.

Enjoyment: Our passion for lawn bowling drives us to create an atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy. We actively encourage learning, playing, and facilitating the game, ensuring that every experience on the green is one filled with enjoyment and camaraderie.

Excellence: We inspire excellence by empowering our athletes to strive for their personal bests. Whether it’s honing skills, fostering teamwork, or promoting sportsmanship, we uphold the highest standards of performance and conduct, setting the bar for achievement within our community.

In navigating the changes brought about by Safe Sport, it’s incumbent upon each of us to uphold these core values. By staying informed, fostering inclusivity, exercising responsibility, promoting enjoyment, and striving for excellence, we can collectively ensure the safety, well-being, and continued success of Calgary Lawn Bowling for generations to come.

Safe Sport Strategy

The policies and programs of the Calgary Lawn Bowling Club aim to foster a Safe Sport environment, ensuring a framework for prompt, consistent, and appropriate actions in the event of any issues. Additionally, these measures are designed to proactively prevent issues by clearly communicating the expected standards of behavior.  

Responsible Coaching Movement

The Calgary Lawn Bowling Club has signed the Responsible Coaching Movement Pledge. For more information visit Coach.Ca

Consistent Policies 

The Safe Sport Policy Suite is a full package of policies that set rules, procedures, and standards of behavior to help Calgary Lawn Bowling Club maintain a safe sport environment. 

Safe Sport Statement


Defines Safe Sport and outlines the organizations’ dedication to fostering secure sporting environments devoid of any maltreatment, accompanied by a comprehensive overview of the complete Safe Sport Suite.

Code of Conduct and Ethics


Clarifies fundamental terms and behaviors to guarantee a shared understanding of maltreatment, encompassing terms such as ‘maltreatment,’ ‘harassment,’ and power imbalances. Establishes clear expectations regarding the conduct that sports participants are required to follow.

Discipline and Complaints Policy


Establishes a systematic procedure for addressing and resolving complaints, taking into account the severity and nature of the complaint, as well as the involved parties. In certain cases, expensive third-party investigations may be necessary.

Dispute Resolution Policy


Offers an alternative, less formal approach to address complaints, granting the involved parties some control over the resolution process. This method is the preferred way of resolving conflicts.

Appeals Policy


Details the procedure for disputing the resolution of a complaint and/or specific decisions made by the organization.

Reciprocation Policy


 Establishes the agreement and outlines the steps for sharing disciplinary decisions among Bowls Alberta, Member Clubs, and other stakeholders in both our own sport and other sports.

Screening Policy

Screening Requirements Matrix -Appendix-A

Application and Screening Disclosure Form – Appendix-B

Screening Disclosure Form- Appendix-C

Request for Vulnerable Sector Check -Appendix-D


The screening of volunteers is a crucial measure in ensuring secure sporting environments. This policy delineates the risk levels associated with volunteers in different positions and outlines the requirements and procedures for screening each volunteer. The Appendices encompass a Screening and Training matrix, along with screening forms.

Athlete Protection Guidelines


Sets expectations of behaviour for Persons in Authority; discusses how we will protect our athletes, especially when it comes to practices/training, travelling, communicating, and any physical contact.

Responsible Coaching Movement Implementation Strategy


   Calgary Lawn Bowling Club has taken the Responsible Coaching Pledge and encourages all its member clubs to do the same. Ensuring we protect our underaged and vulnerable participants is a priority.

Concussion Policy and Return to Play Protocols 

Concussion Education 


  All sport associations are required to have a Concussion Policy in place. The Protocols will help any coach and/or an
  individual member that may come to our sport and are recovering from a concussion. 

Emergency Action Plan – TBA

 Weather Protocols / Air Quality Protocols -TBA


  Environment Canada gives direction for minimizing risks during lightning storms, hot, humid weather, and for poor air

Appendix A of the Safe Sport Manual: Definitions 


Universal Code of Conduct for the Prevention of Maltreatment (UCCMS Version 6.0)



Minimum Training Requirments

Recommended – All Athletes

Required – Board of Directors, Coaches, Employees & Officials

The Respect in Sport Activity Leader / Coach Program educates leaders, coaches, officials and participants (14 years and up) to recognize, understand and respond to issues of bullying, abuse , harassment and discrimination.  

Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders 

The Coaching Association of Canada’s (CAC) Safe Sport Training was developed to help anyone involved in sport — whether you have direct contact with athletes or work in the background — to promote physical, psychological, and social health, in line with the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport. Click Here 

Screening Requirment 

Level 1 – Volunteers

  • Screening Application Form

Participate in training, orientation, and monitoring as determined by the organization.

Level 2- Coach, Board of Directors, Employees, and Officials

Participate in training, orientation, and monitoring as determined by the organization.

Level 3- Coaches who travel with Athletes or Coaches/athlete support personnel who could be alone with Athletes.

Participate in training, orientation, and monitoring as determined by the organization.

Other Training 

At the Calgary Lawn Bowling Club, our approach to Safe Sport Engagement involves fostering a dynamic dialogue between the club and our participants.

We are committed to consistently connecting with participants, including coaches, athletes, parents/guardians of minor athletes, officials, volunteers, and other stakeholders. This ongoing engagement aims to gather valuable feedback, ensuring that your firsthand experiences on the ground inform the effectiveness of our policies, training programs, and other initiatives.

Abuse-Free Sport

An Introduction to The UCCMS

NCCP Training



Intentional Engagement

Safe Sport Engagement at the Calgary Lawn Bowling Club is a two-way conversation between the club and our participants.

We have the intention to regularly engage with participants, coaches, athletes, parents/guardians of minor athletes, officials, volunteers, and other stakeholders on a regular basis to get meaningful feedback.

Your lived experience on the ground tells us whether our policies, training, and other initiative are working.

If you have any comments or concerns please email the Club’s Safety Officer at 

Enhanced Resources

There are many safe sport resources that are available to advance knowledge and awareness.

Calgary Lawn Bowling Club has easy-to-use resources to promote safe sport, governance, and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) resource to everyone.


Kindly provide a comprehensive account of any instances of misconduct, offering detailed information such as the individual’s name, affiliated member club, and role of the party involved in the complaint. Include a thorough description of the nature of the incident(s), specifying dates, locations, and the names along with contact information of potential witnesses. Additionally, document any responses or actions taken in response to the incident(s), and include all other relevant details and information.

Canada’s Safe Sport Helpline

The Abuse-Free Sport Helpline a is a national toll-free sport helpline that offers assistance to victims or witnesses of harassment, abuse or discrimination. The anonymous, confidential and independent service will allow them to share and validate their concerns, obtain advice on required next steps, and be referred to other appropriate resources for follow up.

The Abuse-Free Sport Helpline is monitored by live operators from 8 am to 8 pm Eastern time, 7 days a week. Users have a choice of communicating via a toll-free phone line, email, or text, in the official language of their choice.

Reporting Form 


Calgary Lawn Bowling Club is dedicated to fostering an environment where all participants can enjoy the sport of lawn bowls without encountering abuse, harassment, or discrimination. The responsibility of maintaining this safe and inclusive atmosphere lies with each member of our lawn bowls community.

If you have concerns related to events or activities organized by the club, please complete the provided form and submit it to the Club Safe Sport Officer at

Individuals filing a complaint are expected to:

  1. Report incidents promptly, especially if there is a risk to their safety or the safety of others.
  2. Provide detailed information about the alleged conduct or incident, including date, time, location, the person involved, specifics of the occurrence, names of witnesses, actions taken (if any), and relevant documents (e.g., letters, emails).
  3. Fully cooperate in the investigation and resolution of concerns, incidents, and complaints.
  4. Maintain strict confidentiality regarding all individuals involved in the matter.
  5. Refrain from knowingly submitting a false, malicious, or vexatious report of misconduct or complaint to the Calgary Lawn Bowling Club’s Safe Sport Officer.

For further details, please refer to the Calgary Lawn Bowling Club’s Complaints and Discipline Policy. If you have any questions or concerns before submitting a report, feel free to contact the Safe Sport Officer at

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