Club Coach

OUR COACHING PROGRAMS are designed to help bowlers of all levels enjoy the game by developing skills, strategy, and good sportsmanship throughout their playing years. Our friendly, supportive coaching team is available to help players gain confidence with workshops and practice drills as they progress. Players who understand what they’re doing and why are more engaged in the game.

Coaches work often with first-year bowlers, starting with the basics: how to deliver a bowl, safety on the greens, and effective communication, along with the fundamentals of gameplay, scoring, rules, and etiquette. Learning a little game strategy along the way will make each game more interesting and fun.

Bowls Basics Series

1. An Odd-shaped Ball 

Technical Difficulties

New Bowlers Coaching


Coaches work often with first-year bowlers, starting with the basics: how to deliver a bowl, safety on the greens, and effective communication, along with the fundamentals of gameplay, scoring, rules, and etiquette. Learning a little game strategy along the way will make each game more interesting and fun.

Delivery and Weight Control Workshop


Geared towards improving the skills they need to bowl close to the jack.

Vice And Skip Workshops

Designed for bowlers who have played for a few years and want to learn vice or skip position or are already playing these positions. After a brief explanation of each positions’ roles and responsibilities, we go out on the green to practise a variety of shots such as trail, wick, and heavy draw shots. We’ll also polish your measuring skills.

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